Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The missing continent

Everett's preschool had its annual spring concert today. The theme was, "Traveling Around the World." Everett's class sang songs from Australia, four classes represented European countries (France, Germany, England, and the Netherlands). Several classes sang songs in Spanish to represent Latin America. One class "traveled' to Japan.

I'll give you one guess what continent they skipped (Africa is the second largest continent on the planet, by the way).

Here's the really sad part: one year ago the school put on a similar performance. I'm sure they made the same omission. And I didn't even notice.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Everybody loves Grandma Joan!

Grandma Joan visited last week and Natalie accepted her like they'd been grandma/granddaughter their entire lives. I don't know if Natalie remembered Grandma from Ethiopia, if she just followed Everett and Wesley's lead, or if there's just something special about Grandma Joan (probably it's that), but it was amazing to watch the two of them connect and form that special grandparent/grandchild bond so quickly.

The only problem: now that Grandma Joan has gone home Natalie points at Grandma's picture every day and says "Maa-maw?" and how do you explain to an 18 month old who keeps losing the people she loves that Grandma just flew away on an airplane for awhile and will be back?

So, we call Grandma Joan on the phone as often as we can and who knows if Natalie gets that the voice coming from the plastic box is Grandma Joan but she sure likes holding the receiver to her ear and babbling about the kitties ("ga-ga's") and the doggie ("arf"). Come back soon, Grandma Joan!