Saturday, August 14, 2010

A little "sibling" rivalry


It's a love hate kinda thing

"No fair, she has a ball and I don't!"

"My highchair."

"No, my high chair!"

"Hey, I want that lap!"

"That's better."

"I did not agree to share!"

"Mwah ha ha---this lap is mine!"

Awww, look at the love...


  1. Michelle this blog site is wonderful! I love the pictures and the commentary that you add along with it. Looks like the family is happy and thriving! Hope Everett is enjoy school this year and that you are surviving it also! Thank you so much for sharing your family with us. Love the picture with them all sleeping around you . . . you need to close your eyes too! Love you all! Barbara Jolley

  2. I love the pics! It's so fun to see how she's grown....she's just beautiful.
